
Sunbeam Studios, nestled in downtown Los Angeles, occupies a space rich in history, once home to the iconic Pabst Blue Ribbon brewery and Edison Electric Steam Plant. This landmark has evolved into a vibrant art colony, hailed as part of the "world's largest art complex" by the Los Angeles Times. Our studio offers three equipped studio spaces, designed to harness the abundant natural light of Los Angeles, enhancing your photography with high ceilings, skylights, and unique views.

Centrally located for easy access to major freeways and DTLA, Sunbeam Studios combines historical significance with modern functionality. Our facilities are tailored for efficiency, featuring high-speed internet, essential power, and on-premise lighting and grip equipment available for rent.

Committed to providing a professional environment that nurtures creativity, Sunbeam Studios stands as a testament to the intersection of historical importance and modern amenities – making it the perfect space for photographers, creators and producers.